Baby Cinderel is one year two months now! I've been diligently breast feeding her for the past 14 months ! Never did I expect I can and able to provide her with breastmilk till today but now with the aid of formula milk. My supply dropped tremendously and am trying all sorts of ways to boost my suoply! Tried fenugreek, fish with papaya, lactation formula and lactation tea... Why all not working!!! Am now trying tcm heard from the sinseh that she have a customer after drinking her prescription still breast feeding three children all at one short!! Now I miss the times when I'm just like a cow... Moo...
Lately Babygirl been going through growth spurt two bottles of milk before sleep else she will whine and cry and even throw her favourite pacifier out from her princess cot.
See my cheeky girl! Loving how she's getting more n more like a girl everybody have been mistaking her as a boy for the first year! Obviously not paying attention at her pierced ears since she was three months! The weirdest is even when I dress her in pink n in a dress they still can ask if she's a boy! Faint!

Babygirl had most of her genes from daddy hence she is unlike the petite girl I wish she will be when she's in my tummy. Not at all!! She's tall 90 percentile according to the health booklet!
That's them in the parent & child lookalike contest last Friday! Babygirl loves the stage she will put on her instant smiley when she was placed facing the judges!! Thou she can be really shy at times but it really have to depend very much on her mood! We only came to know about this contest when we arrive there hence they are not dressed similarly like most parents but we sign her up for the crawling contest many months back when she just manage to acquire the skill of crawling for a month was keeping our fingers cross hoping she will not stand up and walk to the finishing point. But nope, not at all she end up having fun making frens at the starting point even her favourite milk bottle with milk, wasn't tempted at all! She even happily clap for the one who reach the finish line. But was really happy to expose her to such activities.
We had so so so much fun posing for the cameras! Except that Babygirl is now almost 12kg which is quite a load and straining for my back before I am able to have more decent pictures taken.
She and her favourite ahma she calls 嬷. Always as gluey to her!
That's her today! In her Paul smith tee shirt from her yiyi. She's a lil too oversized for it but I just can't bear to put it aside!