Friday, May 22, 2015


Can't kick the habit off babygirl cosleeping with us. She got so used to it for 15 months alreadyyyy. Tried the cot but she will cry in the middle of the night to sleep with me. I know many says it's not good to Co sleep but I know What's best for me n her. Moreover I don't mind at all. She need me and hahahhaha I need her too. We sleep better when we have physical contact. Just a little gap between us, she will snug to make sure she touches me while eyes are closed. That's our bond. So, that day I decided to remove the one side of the cot and now her cot linked to us. She can happily sleep without waking and use her smell radar to detect me. Every morning she's no longer in her cot either I open my eyes to see her throat cus she sleeps with mouth open after pacifier drops or or I hear her snore.