Lately my girl really shown me how much she have grown!! Little things like tapping me to watch her do actions of her favourite twinkle twinkle little star song or even earlier in the evening hubbie raised his wrist to check on the time n she did likewise. Such little actions really made me feel how much I need to cherish her before soon she will outgrown all this n finds all this childish. Sometimes her little actions are too sudden or too quick it just couldn't be recorded down but all these will be kept in my memory brain.
Love how little sweetheart is ALWAYS happy. ALWAYS!
A little for all to envy, this girl woke up from bed quietly observe if mummy is awake if I am not, she will quietly lie back n continue sleeping or do her things. She will check on me if my eyes r open or just doing a little stretch. Once she knows I'm awake, first thing she will crawl over for a major hug n a kiss. What else to ask for?
Friday, May 22, 2015
So much growth
6:07 AM