Lately my girl really shown me how much she have grown!! Little things like tapping me to watch her do actions of her favourite twinkle twinkle little star song or even earlier in the evening hubbie raised his wrist to check on the time n she did likewise. Such little actions really made me feel how much I need to cherish her before soon she will outgrown all this n finds all this childish. Sometimes her little actions are too sudden or too quick it just couldn't be recorded down but all these will be kept in my memory brain.
Love how little sweetheart is ALWAYS happy. ALWAYS!
A little for all to envy, this girl woke up from bed quietly observe if mummy is awake if I am not, she will quietly lie back n continue sleeping or do her things. She will check on me if my eyes r open or just doing a little stretch. Once she knows I'm awake, first thing she will crawl over for a major hug n a kiss. What else to ask for?
Friday, May 22, 2015
So much growth

Can't kick the habit off babygirl cosleeping with us. She got so used to it for 15 months alreadyyyy. Tried the cot but she will cry in the middle of the night to sleep with me. I know many says it's not good to Co sleep but I know What's best for me n her. Moreover I don't mind at all. She need me and hahahhaha I need her too. We sleep better when we have physical contact. Just a little gap between us, she will snug to make sure she touches me while eyes are closed. That's our bond. So, that day I decided to remove the one side of the cot and now her cot linked to us. She can happily sleep without waking and use her smell radar to detect me. Every morning she's no longer in her cot either I open my eyes to see her throat cus she sleeps with mouth open after pacifier drops or or I hear her snore.

Thursday, May 21, 2015
20 months old now
Happy 20 months old baby girl. You feed me with your everflowing love and cuteness. I cannot believe soon I am going to be a mommie for two years. Thanks for making motherhood so so fun and easy. So easy that when I'm always so positive about parenting people think I am joking. Continue to give mommie the inspiration to help all mommies believe in happy parenting. Babygirl mommie is also glad u look more girl now. Nobody will say straight into your face that u look like a boy anymore okay! Muacks mommie love uuuuuuuuu.

Saturday, January 24, 2015
The long awaited baby fair is here again! Both me and babygirl woke up at 12 instead of our usual 2pm routine get both of us dressed and off we go in our peg perego scroller to the fair. the night before i already did a list of what i want to get at the fair with the booth number and price all in. So glad and happy as hubbie is able to join us as soon as we reached. As usual, as excited as I am, we quickly go in and look through booth by booth and see what they are offering. Expect for huge discount so all the 20% off or even 10% off seriously did not appeal to me.
In just ten minutes we are already done with our first purchase, the 99.9 water wipes! Grabbed 16 packs of it and threw it right in the basket of the scroller. Then we saw this cipu bag which I mad love! Already knew it's existence since the previous baby fair and i knew i have to lay my hands on it cus of the crazy color combi of pink n purple.
Always a Merries fan, we intended to get them there but the crazy queue was a turn off. Tried 4 packs of bosomi hoping cinderel will not have any reactions. Neh, just put on a sample for babygirl n only a few hours it started leaking. Regret purchase still a merries fan afterall!
This babyfair was not really a very large scale one we were done in merely an hour.
Met up with nortilla and fam but they din manage to stay on any longer cus baby kaeden bedtime is here hence they have to leave before he gets really cranky. Still, ahead with our tony roma meal. Cinderel enjoy scribbling with the crayons provided but not longer than five minutes her attention was away from it.
Luckily the bread came shortly after she had enough of crayons. Now's the time she puts everything in her mouth totally not even sparing plastic bits or even crayon. Teething again. Can see she's totally enjoying dipping the bread into the butter herbs. Food is always the best when it comes to keeping chn calm not sure about others but at least for cinderel.
Let's take a picture while waiting for our baby ribs and another main to come. Cinderel is still going gaga over dipping her bread in butter...
Then, our food came. Cinderel was overwhelm by the amount of food we order and she started smiling n laughing to us and before we even serve her with the food she already helped herself!! To the fries and cheese sticks...
Totally enjoy exploring food and messing herself up! She even used the baby ribs to comb her hair!!!! Hubbie have to quickly clean her up with wet tissue! I love the way she explore all that she can especially seeing how she enjoy chewing on the ribs just like we do, cleaning can wait but no amount of time or money can buy special moments like this!
Nope, we were too happy with the ribs my hands were filled Hubbie only managed two pictures and a video of cinderel savouring the ribs.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Wongsie familyy day
Our favourite day of the week as of these few weeks will be Monday! When daddy got to join us for shopping and more fun. Getting a little bored of orchard for the time being as we had too much trips down lately. I chose vivocity for a simple family day. We only came to know about this lovely baby room in vivo today with full facilities since there's no one there, we enjoyed camwhoring! Camwhoring made fun! Especially when the girl love to smile so much!
Earlier part of the day, we went to the still considered newly renovated mothercare at harbourfront centre, by far the best branch I would say with almost everything a child need, food supplements to clothes to toys then nursery, to travel in wide selection of scrollers or even baby carrier if mother's prefer to bath washes. Baby girl woke up from her nap and join us having fun trying out different scrollers.
The helmet cinderel was wearing caught hubbie 's eyes when we first entered the shop but Cinderel was still sleeping so hub did not want to wake her up but since she woke up soon after while I was looking around hubs always enjoy giving me surprise by dressing my lil princess into something funny never decent looking. She hate the helmet so so much but we insist on a few shots before she remove it on her own!
Then we went over to the food section, my yummy baby loves food, she identify goldfish biscuits I used to get for her, she took a pack and walk towards me with her nodding head!! So cute! Then not long after she also identify the freeze dried fruits that we always buy for her on the shelves . So much fun exploring mothercare with my toddler baby.
I wish I could have a babyboy!! Though boys clothes are Actually quite limited but mothercare serves many many cute exclusive baby boy clothes!
Cutesy forever attached to her pacifier. :)
Lately cinderel was given the opportunity to come down from her scroller to do some walking because I really dislike the idea of chasing after her all around the malls. Personal preferance. So there she is imitating daddy to push the scroller around. It's really time to bring her to indoor playgrounds! She sure love to explore many things and enjoy making friends there!

Monday, January 12, 2015
Babygirl getting more wise and naughty all together
Oh my gosh, I think in future if anyone wants to use my phone I should remember to check what I have in my galleries, I was scrolling through pictures of my lil princess and I saw my half naked body!!! Very sure cinderel accidentally took that! Not the first time alreadyy!!!
Happie birthday best fren! I hope you enjoyed all that Thomas plan for u! That's a pretty picture when you pass cinderel her first angpow! And when baby k was still in your tummy!! Thanks for always contributing so so much to our friendship, especially so much help on cinderel big 1st birthday party!!! Really enjoy going shopping thinking of how good baby k will look in those clothes and you always spoil us with presents!! Happie birthday once again!!!
Look at those sexy legs of my tall girl! Last week checkup at the doctor's. Nurse got a big shock of cinderel's growth in height! She is now 83cm and 10.7kg at 15 months old! Always on 97 percentile be it her height or weight!!! Thou I am a little bit disappointed at her slow increasing weight. Only gain 0.5kg for a period of three months, but I know that's bcus of her active level being able to start to walk already at 12 months! Now she starts running and climbing stairs! The nurse did mention to us that if her height shoot this much again by the next appointment at 18months old, she need to do some hormone test, it's Actually quite obvious thou since the daddy is 175cm but it's always better to get her check.
My lil brave girl did not cry the two dose go went through last week, sucha opposite of mummy who still tear till today. She watch the needle Pierce into n out of her flesh not a single tear, this time she had her mmr and chickiepox dose on her left and right arm! Claps**
Last Wednesday I gave mil a surprise call for a meet with the folks for dinner it's been long since they last met babygirl. Obviously they were so happy and I felt happy to see those smiles on their faces. They even bought a pair of Skechers shoes for babygirl. I chose this pair cus of the striking pink and the ribbon at the side!! This pair is the prettiest cinderel own. Before we met them I went shopping alone with the lil princess, forgetful me always forget to bring her security blanket or pillow out leaving the pram very empty so result in having to buy a new Beanie for her! Within 10 mins after I bought this Beanie for her, she fell deep deep asleep! While waiting for the lift, I took my first selfie of the year! Love the little details on her white dress from her 姑姑咪咪阿嬤 when she went on a trip to Thailand months back.
Always constantly reminding myself and babygirl how lucky we are to be love by many many. Most of her clothes wasn't bought by us!!!
Korkor and felicia just went on a leisure trip to hongkong last week, we were there early to send them off hence we manage to do mini shopping and I know I know I have to get this travel pillow for fel Cus I remember vividly she use to like Paul Frank, keeping fingers cross that she still likes it and lucky she really do!!! Make my purchase even much much more worth it!!! She love it so much, I even chose the more comfy material for her, happy to see she straight away hang it to her bag!!! Love it so much when I bought something for someone and they love it!!! Nothing can be happier!!!
There, random shots of my girl to start a new year with! So much joy being a mummy!!! Love tracking her growth. Looking forward to my new year of employment and schooling for the princess!!! back to school for me n you!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015
Chilling @ the coffee bean
Chilling at ttsh's coffee bean with my younger brother while mummy goes for her checkup at the doctors. A windy Friday with my cup of chai tea latte and carrot cake.
Babygirl enjoying her all time favourite sausage bunie! Naughty girl always stripping the bun just to pick the salty sausage!! Sometimes she eat the bun but not all the time!
Was so happy to see that my favourite cereal is on promo! 20% discount! Happily grab three boxes off the shelf! And also manage to get motilium from pharmacy to help boost my breastmilk supply!!
Cheeky girl feeding me her bun every mouth she takes!!! Major love one!